Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kashmiri Carpets Are Famous Around The World.

The carpet industry of Kashmir has its origin in Persia. The carpets of Kashmir has been heavily influenced by Persian motifs. Kashmir carpet industry has become a specialized area offers guests a significant part of life in the area. Besides the natural beauty and a scarf and sweater industry, Kashmir is well known for its carpet industry.

Kashmir carpet is a product that has captured the hearts of people around the world, mainly because of their intricate designs and their duration. Except for the traditional use of carpet as the floor Kashmir, and also serves some other uses, such as the wall hanging and bed linen.

Kashmir carpets are traditionally made of silk or wool. Sometimes a combination of wool and silk are used. The artisans are now used for the production of mercerized cotton, these mats. The provisions of these rugs are made of cotton or silk.


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